Post by danzig70 on Oct 1, 2011 12:15:55 GMT 1
Here is the area of interest grid (red) (1degx1deg) in WorldWind. Columns A-F and rows 1-6. Once you select the first cell, you use the map grid (green) to choose select the bk map. Then you enter this information into bktopo.exe when prompted. Map image layer You can adjust the transparency so you can take a screenshot and crop it to the map edges. Open the mapname.tga files and the cropped screenshot image into a image editor. Resize the screenshot to 256x256 and 512x512 and merge them onto the mapname.tga file using the move tool. Open the map in the editor and the map is visible. Here's a new test file created with the bktopo.exe program with the tga files already done. When you "create map" in the editor it will overwrite the file so I renamed them. Just save as or rename them to appear. I was hoping the "update map" command would fix the tile shading but it didnt. I have to fix the last tile row as that can be seen as an error (red) in the screenshot below. www.sendspace.com/file/td1m4mHere's a screenshot of the new heights in the map editor: Here's a screenshot of Worldwind with army group icons. When an icon is clicked the html page loads. Here's Tangram's building align proof overlay for placing buildings: The JonesSoft Model Enable Tool detects conflicts and enables mods. Here is the link to download Worldwind (.net) worldwindcentral.com/wiki/NASA_World_Wind_DownloadHere's a link to the mod enabler www.users.on.net/~jscones/software/products-jsgme.html
Post by danzig70 on Oct 13, 2011 22:00:49 GMT 1
NASA no longer is suporting the .net version of WorldWind and their legacy server with the elevation data is permanently offline so my Global Campaign map is quite flat. The BKTopo program still works and I can still add other data to the .net version like 1935 and 1945 aerial photographs of Warsaw, but I will have to move everything to java. This will make things easier in the end as you will be able to click and drag unit icons like a boardgame and it will be easier to add range rings for aircraft, artillery, etc. This will take a while though. In the meantime if anyone wants to install worldwind.net and use the data I have acquired I will post the links for the files. Below is a list of what I have:
US Army Topo Maps of France, 1950s about 1:200 000 scale I believe.
German Topo Maps 1890s-1938 (depending on map) 1:25 000
Topo Map Index Italy
Aerial Imagery Portsmouth, UK (date unknown)
Aerial Imagery Warsaw Poland, 1935, 1945 + other layers
Maps (parcel and other layers) Czechoslovakia
Near real-time weather (GOES clouds, TRMM, Nexrad, etc)
BK Topo for area 49-50N, 6-7 E
Aerial Imagery 1930s USA (DE, CT, NJ)
USGS Topo Maps Entire USA
UK Airfields kml file
Blue Marble Base Imagery
High resolution US Orthoimagery
France Orthoimagery
I have made some headway with country pages and economic data through 1935 but it is unfinished.
The topo maps for Germany and France are large images so the size of these files are quite large. The rest are small configuration files. Also, I have been working with FlightGear, SH3 and BridgeCommand so will eventually move from Blitzkrieg-fixed perspective to something else like Steel Fury or Vehicle Simulator but I will be glad to provide instructions to make BKTopo and will still be working on it in the meantime. Thanks for two years of fun.
(Once) BK Translator
Posts: 1,431
Post by Folgore on Oct 14, 2011 11:23:09 GMT 1
Sounds like a farewell...
Post by danzig70 on Oct 14, 2011 17:04:53 GMT 1
It does look like a yard sale, doesnt it. I just wanted to have something to show after working on this for so long. I still think it has potential and I would like to have a demo before I travel to Russia next year, but I wont have anything to post for quite a while. Not farewell but au revoir. I finally found a good site for Italian topo maps from the military geographic institute. www.igmi.org/ware/ They have to be purchased though. But it does show the map name to search for. I found excellent articles on creating AI logic. www.itsc.uah.edu/research/wargame_ai.html and www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf&AD=ADA425228 It is used in HPS games www.hpssims.com/ and hopefully I can implement it into the java application to control AI unit icons and into Lua scripts for map level AI logic. UPDATE: Here's my first build of the application. This will work much better as it can be web based. Now I have to add all my content from the other version.
Posts: 373
Post by Xmen on Oct 16, 2011 23:16:29 GMT 1
Bonne Route and see you soon
Post by danzig70 on Oct 26, 2011 15:56:10 GMT 1
Post by danzig70 on Jan 19, 2012 21:52:09 GMT 1
Posts: 373
Post by Xmen on Jan 19, 2012 23:12:46 GMT 1
Good Job Danzig70..........................I look forward to the test!
Post by danzig70 on Jan 19, 2012 23:40:38 GMT 1
The entertainment value of watching triangles fly around the eastern US has its limits but it's good programming practice.
(Once) BK Translator
Posts: 1,431
Post by Folgore on Jan 20, 2012 0:31:11 GMT 1
The entertainment value of watching triangles fly around the eastern US has its limits but it's good programming practice. I didn't understand but welcome back!
Post by danzig70 on Jan 20, 2012 2:22:42 GMT 1
Hi Folgore! I was just going to post a screenshot. I am representing aircraft with triangle icons, warships as diamonds and merchant ships as squares. Army units are the standard symbols on square or rectangular icons. The green lines are the heading. (the two friendly units are parked and the target doesnt show a heading) So, in keeping with a combined arms strategy, the player can create air, land and sea missions. I paid for the imagery service through OnTerra Systems ($40/year) for high resolution but have added 1930s/1940s era imagery where available and of course topo maps. The US Geo Service has high and moderate resolution imagery for free for the US.
Post by danzig70 on Feb 9, 2012 8:35:48 GMT 1
I am finally able to draw lines accurately using longitude and latitude. This means I can draw a unit's heading and range rings for sensor ranges and weapon ranges (aircraft,ships), artillery range rings, airfield coverage, and flak coverage. This should help a mission planner determine if off-map artillery is available as well as air support. It can also help to find gaps in fortifications by showing the coverage of each gun emplacement. By using the haversine formula it is possible to calculate the heading between two points, distance between two points, and current position knowing the starting position, heading and distance traveled. Since distance is just speed*time, and the icons can "refresh" at a specified interval, the icon's position on the map will be updated. www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.htmlmathforum.org/library/drmath/view/51879.htmlHere is my pilot, Otto, flying over 1930s Connecticut:
Post by danzig70 on Feb 13, 2012 19:50:55 GMT 1
These are shots of a German Early Warning System experiment. The Freya radar provides the green coverage area and the Wurzburg radar (blue line) tracks the target. By clicking on the artillery icon, blitzkrieg starts with the map preloaded. Then you hopefully shoot down the target. There is an interceptor plane ready on the runway. I can write the script file "on the fly" for the BK map but dont know how to relay how many planes were shot down to an external program. (for the map icons) UK will have a similar system so planning air strikes should be interesting. I can finally start working on ground warfare.
(Once) BK Translator
Posts: 1,431
Post by Folgore on Feb 14, 2012 10:07:13 GMT 1
Quite interesting, I'm very curious to see the end of this road...
Post by danzig70 on Feb 14, 2012 18:03:39 GMT 1
so am I....