I have a demonstration version available for download here:
www.sendspace.com/file/zptv96Instructions are in the readme.txt file.
Similar maps are available from Wiki. The world one was a bit too small. But pacific, africa, etc are also available.
This would be great for Large Random Maps.
Feel free to adapt this to suit your own needs.
UPDATE:I have added a science and engineering screen. In it, I have added a units list with links to the unit's folder so that you have quick access to the unit's texture files, xml files, etc.
You also find factories in specific cities and what they produce. Then these numbers are added to the total available. The city name links you to that map.
You also select research, development, and upgrade facilities to unlock new units.
On the mission pages, I have added links to the saved game. After accessing the map the first time you save the game. Then, to reenter the map again, you follow the saved game link. This is important if you go to a map and construct defenses. They will be present when accessing the saved game.
I may also add a link to the script file so that it can be easily modified.
I have added City pages, accessed from the nation page or strategic map. On this city pages are a narrative, photos, the production screen, and links to the map in bk.
All spreadsheets will be linked so that you will only have to add data once.
These changes have not been incorporated into the demo linked above.
Update: Missions and StatsYou start in 1934 on your nation page. You visit each department where the missions can be found. Your missions consist of visiting factories and inputing production numbers to creating defensive positions and placing troops. Perhaps even a small surprise mission. Then when you are ready, you go to the bottom of the nation page and click "Next Year" which takes you to new pages with new missions and objectives.
Lua for windows can be downloaded here
luaforge.net/frs/?group_id=377Lua manuals can be found here
www.lua.org/pil/index.htmlLua reference manuals can be found here
www.lua.org/manual/5.1/Lua for Windows
luaforwindows.luaforge.net/index.html#DownloadIt has some very interesting libraries.
According to LUA manuals, I should be able to read from external files and write to external files using the io.input and io.output commands. So hopefully statistics can be updated cleanly through script files in the factory maps. If all goes well, the statistics excel files will communicate with map script variables through the use of variable files.
For example, now one of the first missons is to visit the BMW factory where Panzer Is are manufactured. Each soldier, tank, spg, etc is assigned a script ID. The script ID(s) are assigned to a variable (local or global).
There is a production.csv, active.csv, and killboard.csv. Function will either read data in file, place the data in table, add/subtract to it, and then write the new data into the file. Or, functions will just write data to a file that is read by excel.
I tested the io.output function and it did generate a file in the maps folder. This may mean that all the files that LUA must read or write will probably have to be in the maps folder.
I will test the functions this weekend and, if they work, post them.
EDIT: Couldnt repeat creating a file. Probably already had the file there from something else.